As I mentioned, a friend and I started a new web design company called Sunset6 Web Design.
Yesterday was a day that probably won't be surpassed in excitement and gravitas for us!
Our client, Jodi Norgaard of Go! Go! Sports Girls, was invited to the White House (!) to meet with over 150 other participants at a conference titled Helping our Children Explore, Learn, and Dream without Limits: Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes in Media and Toys.
After her conference, she was invited to be a guest on The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson. And while she was talking on national TV, a glimmer of the website we designed was featured!!
(here is the clip)
(here is the clip)
Riding on coattails? You betcha. Drafting off a race car? You are damn right.
What started over a brief conversation over dinner about how much she wanted to re-do her website but didn't want to pay a ton for it....and how much we needed a client who knew we were a start-up.... turned into an amazing day of accomplishments.
See Jodi's new website in all it's glory here. See our company website (still under construction) here.